Rema Merrick
Rema Merrick
Instructional Designer | E-Learning Developer
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  • St Petersburg, FL
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"Hello everyone! My submission for this week is one I submitted a while ago. It presents an alternative to a traditional progress indicato..."
  • over 1 year ago03/22/23 at 4:56 pm (UTC)
"Sarah - the intro video clip really gets your attention. I love it. Great job setting up the timeline based on the on the position of the..."
  • over 1 year ago03/16/23 at 6:22 pm (UTC)
"Kate - this is a really cute template. I love this animated turtle and the slide transition. It's a beautiful, clean template."
  • over 1 year ago03/16/23 at 6:19 pm (UTC)
"Rachel - I had no idea black jack had been around so long. This is a very creative way to present the history of blackjack. You did an aw..."
  • over 1 year ago03/15/23 at 3:12 pm (UTC)
"Thanks Stephen."
  • over 1 year ago03/15/23 at 3:09 pm (UTC)
"Samuel - The graphics are awesome. I too need to more my projects more accessible. I'll be looking out for suggestions to make project mo..."
  • over 1 year ago03/15/23 at 3:09 pm (UTC)
"Zynthia - I like the ambient noise in the background (people talking). Great use of the slider to explain the different amounts of time t..."
  • over 1 year ago03/15/23 at 3:05 pm (UTC)
"Stephen - I love the intro animation with the lens aperture. The interaction where you drag the light particle up the ray is awesome. Gre..."
  • over 1 year ago03/14/23 at 3:43 pm (UTC)
"Hello everyone! My demo was inspired by NASA's Glenn Research Center, which is a US national resource for innovations in aircraft engine ..."
  • over 1 year ago03/14/23 at 3:37 pm (UTC)
"Thanks Elizabeth!"
  • over 1 year ago03/09/23 at 3:34 pm (UTC)
"Thanks Jessica!"
  • over 1 year ago03/09/23 at 3:33 pm (UTC)
"Patrick - Loved the scenarios. They are quick and useful. Beautiful lesson."
  • over 1 year ago03/07/23 at 6:13 pm (UTC)
"Susi - Great job using this as a quick preboarding lesson. Rise is very versatile. Hadn't thought of this but I will add it to my list of..."
  • over 1 year ago03/07/23 at 6:10 pm (UTC)
"You're welcome. The cover photo I got from Adobe Stock and I created the animated video in Vyond."
  • over 1 year ago03/07/23 at 5:58 pm (UTC)
"Thanks Zynthia."
  • over 1 year ago03/07/23 at 5:56 pm (UTC)
"Thanks Ron. I love using Vyond and it's nice to get a chance to play with Rise because I don't use it as much as I used to."
  • over 1 year ago03/07/23 at 5:56 pm (UTC)
"Ali - I loved the illustrations and color scheme you used for this lesson. Nice work!"
  • over 1 year ago03/07/23 at 5:55 pm (UTC)
"Sarah - I never thought about using Rise for a resume but it's a great idea. The functionality and design of Rise makes it perfect."
  • over 1 year ago03/07/23 at 5:52 pm (UTC)
"Stephen - great information. The graphics you used were simple and very effective. I loved the way you transitioned from fixing the tyre ..."
  • over 1 year ago03/07/23 at 5:50 pm (UTC)
"Ron - I love the image of the antique cash register on the title page. Excellent job with the interaction; and I love the oops button. Aw..."
  • over 1 year ago03/07/23 at 1:43 pm (UTC)
"Hi everyone! Here's my submission for this week. It's about OSHA's bloodborne pathogens. I added a short Vyond animated video to change i..."
  • over 1 year ago03/06/23 at 3:30 pm (UTC)
"Thanks Michelle!"
  • over 1 year ago02/23/23 at 7:05 pm (UTC)
"Thanks Ron. I'm had to do a lot edits and retakes on the voiceover."
  • over 1 year ago02/23/23 at 7:04 pm (UTC)
"Thanks Jessica. I'm glad you found the information helpful."
  • over 1 year ago02/23/23 at 7:03 pm (UTC)
"Julie - I love this interaction. Thanks for providing the English translation. The narrator's voice is very soothing. Very fun. I didn't ..."
  • over 1 year ago02/23/23 at 12:15 am (UTC)