Scientific Training
Scientific Training
Scientific Training started a new discussion Lightbox Accessibility Focus Highlight
"I noticed when testing my course that the focus highlight box doesn't go around the built-in navigation controls for lightboxes, but show..."
  • 5 months ago01/02/24 at 5:19 pm (UTC)
Scientific Training started a new discussion Object state change tied to state change of another object
"Hi folks, I'm trying to create an interaction in which the state of one object changes to hidden when the state of at least one other obj..."
  • 12 months ago06/01/23 at 8:23 am (UTC)
Scientific Training started a new discussion Storyline with scrolling panel
"I have a storyline file that has multiple scenes and each scene has a tab format with slide layers.  On one of the scenes the second tab ..."
  • 5 years ago04/11/19 at 4:24 pm (UTC)