Veronica Schmitz
Veronica Schmitz
IPM Company
"Hello - I wanted to include a free-text survey question in my Articulate Rise course. Since this option is unavailable in Rise 360,..."
  • 11 months ago08/25/23 at 10:28 pm (UTC)
Veronica Schmitz replied to the discussion Creating a Short Answer in Articulate Rise
  • 1 year ago05/26/23 at 1:38 pm (UTC)
Veronica Schmitz started a new discussion Articulate Rise 360 Real Content Templates
"Hi - I've been finding some great nuggest in the "Real Content" Templates and would like to use some of it in my CBT I'm creating for my ..."
  • 1 year ago05/26/23 at 1:37 pm (UTC)
Veronica Schmitz started a new discussion Creating a Short Answer in Articulate Rise
"Hello, How can I create a short answer feature in my articulate Rise course? I'd like individuals to be able to submit thoughts on..."
  • 1 year ago05/24/23 at 7:52 pm (UTC)