5 Ways to Spruce Up Your Next Dos and Don’ts List
One of the easiest ways to help learners quickly learn correct vs. incorrect actions is by using dos and don’ts. Often when we think about dos and don’ts we think of a two-column list or table. That’s one way to do it, but there are also many other, more interactive options! These five examples created by the talented members of the E-Learning Heroes community offer fresh ways to present dos and don’ts to help learners make the right move.

Take a look:

To do or not to do, that is the question! We hope you’ll choose “do” and submit your own dos and don’ts project to the E-Learning Challenge. Craving more course design inspo? Go visit the Building Better Courses forum for creative e-learning ideas, helpful tips, and stimulating convo. See you there.

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