Top 10 Common E-Learning Interactions and Examples #307

Popular E-Learning Interactions #340: Challenge | Recap

The easiest way to get started with e-learning is to learn how to build the most common interactions. These are the interactions you'll use most frequently in your e-learning courses. And that's what this week's challenge is all about!

Common E-Learning Interaction Challenges

Here are my top 10 common e-learning interactions and corresponding challenges. For this week’s challenge, you’re welcome to cross-post your new example in this challenge as well as the original challenge.

  1. Tabs Navigation (2018) #199: Challenge | Recap
  2. Accordions (2019) #227: Challenge | Recap
  3. Labeled Graphics (2020) #283: Challenge | Recap
  4. Drag-and-Drop (2018) #202: Challenge | Recap
  5. Flashcards #270: Challenge | Recap
  6. Timelines (2019) #246: Challenge | Recap
  7. Checklists and To-Do List #291: Challenge | Recap
  8. Notecards #149: Challenge | Recap
  9. Sorting Drag-and-Drop #178: Challenge | Recap
  10. Process and Step Graphics #238: Challenge | Recap

Challenge of the Week

This week, your challenge is to share one or more examples of a common e-learning interaction. 

New Entries Only!

To keep things fresh, we’re asking you share a new entry or rework a previous example for this week’s challenge.

Share Your E-Learning Work

  • Comments: Use the comments section below to share a link to your published example and blog post.
  • Forums: Start  your own thread and share a link to your published example..
  • Personal blog:  If you have a blog, please consider writing about your challenges. We’ll link back to your posts so the great work you’re sharing gets even more exposure.
  • Social Media: If you share your demos on Twitter or LinkedIn, try using #ELHChallenge so your tweeps can track your e-learning coolness.

Last Week’s Challenge:

Before you build and share your favorite e-learning interactions, check out the interactive bingo games your fellow challengers shared over the past week:

8 Interactive Bingo Games for E-Learning #339

E-Learning Bingo Games RECAP #339: Challenge | Recap

New to the E-Learning Challenges?

The weekly e-learning challenges are ongoing opportunities to learn, share, and build your e-learning portfolios. You can jump into any or all of the previous challenges anytime you want. I’ll update the recap posts to include your demos.

Jocelyne Olson
Heather Willis
David Anderson