Whats the "best" browser for Articulate Engage 13?

Dec 11, 2013

I have lots of strange things happening, crashes and such with Engage 13 courses.  I'm still trying to figure out what's happening but thought I'd ask a quick question.  My customers are using all sorts of browsers, is there any one browser that works "best"?



1 Reply
Christine Hendrickson

Hi there Jim,

I can't say there's one "best" browser for any product. However, there will always be preferred browsers and these are user-dependent. 

For example, I personally prefer to perform all of my testing and work in Google Chrome. I use Firefox for secondary testing, but also have Safari, IE (eek) and I sometimes use Maxthon for HTML5 testing. 

It can also come down to the content. If you're viewing a lot of HTML5 content, for example, I personally would not recommend Internet Explorer - I would first go with Chrome, then Maxthon. This is based off of the HTML5 scoring for the browsers. 

If you take a look at the site below, you can compare browser scores for HTML5 content:


Also, if you're looking for more feedback from the community, I would recommend posting this over in the Building Better Courses section of the forums as well. This section is generally used for support issues, and though you may see some response, you may have better exposure to other posters by adding the thread there.

I hope this helps!

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