Alternative to Zipping Files to Share

Oct 02, 2015

Hello!  I have a client who is not at all computer savvy that is having trouble unzipping published projects and finding the presentation.html file.  Is there a way to create a file like an mp4 that I can send him instead.  I've tried converting to mp4 via PowerPoint but as you probably already know the quizzes won't work (which isn't a big deal) and there is no sound (which is a huge problem).

5 Replies
Michael Hinze

I may have misunderstood and assumed that you wanted to provide an easy way to your client to view/review content. That`s why I suggested uploading the content and simply emailing the URL of the presentation.html. If they do want to run the published content locally, then there is no other way, except zipping/unzipping.

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