Articulate Presenter 13 not publishing resources folder

Dec 12, 2016

For a few years I have been publishing out a course that has a number of resources attached to it which I have done from the Player Menu.  It has always published the "external_files" folder as part of the "presentation_content" folder.


When I added some slide to the course ( no more resource documents) recently and then published this out the "excternal_files" has not been published.  So far I have tried all of the following without success

a.deleted and reinstall PPT and Studio

b. deleted the resources saved the project then opened and add the documents again 

c. lodged a ticket with articulate (RE: Case #00965614: When I publish out my course the resources ar... [ ref:_00D30Txo._50033130PyA:ref) who said "It was specific to the course that you provided even after importing the slides to a new project. I inserted the blank slide and synchronization tool in Presenter it so it jumps to the next slide right away."... which I can't figure out

d. reboot, removal script, reinstall again.


The only work around is to add this external_files folder after I have published out the course manually to scorm zip file but am not sure if this will work


Has anyone come across a similar issue




4 Replies
Emily Ruby

Hi Trevor,

If you do not have any resources, or external files, this folder will not be present. You should see presentation_content with all published files. If you do add resources, the external_content folder will be within that folder.

If you do have resources, and there is no folder, could you share the presenter package here? I can take a look.


Emily Ruby

Hi Rusty,

Sorry to hear about the issues publishing. Are you having the same issue as Trevor, where the External_files folder is missing? Or can yo just not publish at all?

It may be easier for us to assist if you can submit a case with our team so we can take a closer look. Or you can share the presenter package here and I will try and publish.


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