Changing the color of Notes text

Oct 16, 2013

I have been able to modify just about all of the player properties except one.  I can't seem to find a way to change the color of the text that shows for the Notes tab.  I changed the name to be Transcript instead of Notes, but I want the background to be black and the text white.  I must be just missing it.  

19 Replies
Paul Kornman

If I'm following this correctly, you want to change the color of the text that appears WITHIN the Notes tab. In the example above, the text "Learning Objectives" through "generational categories".

If so, you can change that (and the font size and other font properties) within PowerPoint itself.

You can go through "View" >> "Notes Page".

When editing the text, jump back to the "Home" tab to get to the font properties.

If you have a large number of slides and you want to change each one, you could also write a macro that will do the work for you.

Good luck,

Paul K.

Maritess Iligan

Thanks Jeff and Leslie,
Looks like we need to change the background color of the menu close to our black scheme. The text appeared in the Notes are black too, it’s hard to read. I can’t change the text color in PowerPoint Notes page since it’s a lot and I can’t do this either in our old courses when we need to update it.

Vanessa Smith

Hi Everyone,

It looks like we've all been wrestling with the same issue - we too are updated a lot of old courses and it's just too much of a hassle to change ALL of the notes text color. Paul, thanks for your help - I thought I had tried changing the text in the notes several times with no luck, but I must have been doing something wrong as it's worked now. 

One note for Articulate to think about - if the text in the notes tab is white in PPT, it causes two problems -

1. It make it difficult/impossible to edit in 'Notes View'

2. When using the 'Sync Animations' feature, if the notes are white, you can't see them in the note pane which is supposed to guide your syncing

If many of Articulate's Player color schemes are make for white text (which many are) this would seem to be an area they could improve. It would be great to be able to control the color of the text in the Player Notes pane from the Player color scheme.

Just a thought...

Joyce Hensen

I, too, am updating a course from Presenter 09 to Presenter 13.  Try as I might, I cannot get the notes panel text to change from Black to anything else.  I've changed the PP file so that the notes present as different colors on Notes Pages and on the Notes master.  I've tried light gray, white and yellow.  I even saved and closed the PP file and then tried again - checking of course to see if the notes color had "stuck" in PP.  When I publish (or preview) the notes continue to be black.  I really don't want to change my background color scheme for the course.  What other suggestions do you have?  This is really frustrating.

Danielle Scott

I know this is a very old thread, but I found it helpful today as I was working through this issue and just thought I'd add my two cents :) Turns out Powerpoint 13 has the option of a "Notes Master" (under View) where you can change the font styles all at once. Much better than working my way through 100+ slides one at a time!

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