Notes do not Apear

Jun 14, 2011

I just made some text edits to my PPT and published and my notes are not showing up for any slides.

Thsi PPT was just fine 10 minutes ago. Nothing Crashed.

I checked my font color. its black.

I checked the presentation Xml and my notes are in the xml.

What could the issue be?

4 Replies
Dwayne Schamp

From Justin in this post:

"You might notice after publishing and viewing your published Presenter project that some of the Notes are not displayed when selecting the Notes Tab. This is a known issue that has been sent to our Quality Assurance Team for further review.

This issue is directly related to the slides that are not displayed in the outline when first loading the published presentation and would require you to scroll the outline to view the titles representing these slides. To workaround this issue, select the Notes tab twice and the notes will display."

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