Notes problem in frame.xml

Aug 05, 2014

I founded a problem in a xml file that is generated in the publishing process, that should have all the notes of the PowerPoint project, but it stores all the nodes with the same content, which is the first slide with text in the notes.

The name of the file is "frame.xml", and the notes are at <transcript_data>.

I'm aware of that, because I'm customizing project with Articulate Studio '13 SDK, and the feature that get the notes from frame.xml used to work until update 3. Now I think there's no other possibility besides changing the notes of the xml manually.

I add an image to show that all <slidetranscript> elements have the same text.

Not sure if my problem has a fast solution that I'm not seeing, but i hope the next update fix this.

Thank you so much for your time.

11 Replies
Franceley Padillo

Hi Justin,

I also have the same concern about this issue. Actually, my concern is for the learners who are using courses that were customized using the SDK. I just updated my presenter yesterday and found out that when I published a course, I noticed that the 'first notes' that presenter can found on a certain page, overrides the following notes or the rest of the notes of each page. This is not how it works on the previous version and the SDK works fine.

There was no problem when using the Default Skin. But using the SDK might be an issue. So it may looks like when navigating to each page using the SDK, It displayed the same notes (notes were not changing). I think mainly because of this issue.

Thank you for great support.

Mario Coin

Good afternoon,

Sorry for the delay in answering your post, Justin. It's exactly how Franceley describes. Thank you for that!

The issue won't be seen if you use the default skin. That's because the default layout gets the notes from a swf file in notes folder, inside the published project. So the text content inside the xml file works as a second source, I believe.

If you publish a project with notes, open the file frame.xml inside the folder "presentation_content" of the published project, and scroll to the bottom of the file, you'll get a similar result as the image I attached to the post.

Thank you for the support.

Justin Grenier

Good Afternoon, Franceley and Mario.

We have reviewed the behavior you described and we were able to duplicate your issue. We have submitted the problem to our Quality Assurance team for their review. As a workaround you may need to change the XML manually, as you described.

I cannot offer a time frame for when or if this issue will be resolved, so please continue to take advantage of the workaround if you encounter this issue in the future. We will keep this Forum Thread updated with any developments.

Thanks again for bringing this to our attention!

Ashley Terwilliger-Pollard

Hi Divya,

I don't have any updates to share around the issue that Justin reported to our QA team. He did share this forum thread with them, so that they'll be aware of the number of users who are impacted. When we have additional information to share we'll be able to update you all here.

Thanks for checking in!

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