Embed a Vimeo video

Sep 23, 2011

Hi all-

I've embedded dozens of Vimeo videos in the past following the online tutorial, so I know I'm not making a user error.

Now when I embed a video, it plays fine in the Preview window, but once I publish it to two different LMS's, the video does not appear at all. I've never had this issue before, and I see that someone else has recently mentioned a similar issue. Could someone please look into this and see if Vimeo has changed their code or something?


22 Replies
Minh-Triet Nguyen

Could you fake a "single slide" by putting each web object on a different slide? For example, if you wanted to create a playlist of 4 videos, create a slide master with 4 buttons, hyperlinked to their respective slides.  Then use the Hide slide function in Slide Properties to make it seem like a single slide. 

Jennifer Huggins

Brian Batt said:

Hi Jack & welcome to Heroes,

I embedded a Vimeo video as a web object.  Here's the results:


I've also attached the code for the web object.  I hope that helps!

Hi Brian,

I am trying to download this index.html file, but cannot open it. The amazon URL displays, but the page is blank.



Jennifer Huggins

Minh-Triet Nguyen said:

Could you fake a "single slide" by putting each web object on a different slide? For example, if you wanted to create a playlist of 4 videos, create a slide master with 4 buttons, hyperlinked to their respective slides.  Then use the Hide slide function in Slide Properties to make it seem like a single slide. 

OK. I did this, but for some reason the hyperlinks do not work. I have tried to link via picture and via button. I have tried hiding the slides and unhiding the slides. The hyperlinks refuse to take me to the designated slides. 

Any ideas as to why? I have attached the offending PPT slides for your--or anyone's--review. The idea is to click the photo, which will launch a video.

I appreciate your help!

Jennifer Huggins

Sorry to be bogging this down, but I just found this:

Hyperlink to a place in this document

If you include a hyperlink to a “place in this document,” please bear in mind the following restrictions:

  • Slides you have hidden in PowerPoint will not display in your published output. Any hyperlinks you create that go to a hidden slide, therefore, will not work.

That doesn't help me at all. So, now embedded video doesn't work nor does hyperlinking. 

Minh-Triet Nguyen

Hi Jennifer,

I should have been more clear.  Not hiding slides in PowerPoint, but in the Articulate > Slide Properties Menu.  I played around with your PPTX file.  Since this is all static images, I took the first slide and copied all the objects onto a slide master. I did have to ditch the transparent rectangle shapes over the images though; that seemed to do the trick to make the hyperlinks work.  But by making one slide master, I only have to change that one slide master if edits need to be made to the whole set. The presentation slides themselves have nothing on them except for the web object. I re-attached your file.

David Sheehan

Hi guys

I've tried web object for vimeo and no good, and tried following Brian's example re: code but after a couple of hours trying everything I'm stuck. Can someone put some bullet points together for someone feeling quite 'thick' about how to simply embed my vimeo video to a slide. Can't find a tutorial for this and can't follow Brian's brief example. Sorry!

Brittany Anthony

Posted 38 minutes ago  


I embedded and publish my Vimeo video. When viewing the published presentation with, the slide with the video prompted me with the following message, "Warning: The web object feature on this slide has been disabled while viewing locally because your browser does not support it." I've also attached a screenshot of the Warning prompt.

I'm using the following embed code:


I've tried using various browsers (Chrome, Firefox, Safari, & IE). I was unable to successfully view the video in all fo those browsers mentioned.


Please advise on what I should do to successfully publish and view my Vimeo video in my presentation. I'm approaching a tight deadline and it's urgent that I get these videos working.





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