Gaps when text changes between normal and bold font

Aug 15, 2011

I have found a nasty problem when highlighting words or sections of text in Presenter.

It looks OK in the PPT source image, and displays correctly when showing in PPT, as follows:

But when it is published, or even in preview mode, this creates nasty gaps where the text changes from normal to bold and vice versa.  I inserted the small blue arrows above in the source, and they show how the bold text does not properly fill the space when rendered in flash.

The problem only appears with some font sizes.  Unfortunately in my current project I could not make it larger to get around the problem.

We chose Lucida Sans for this project, and it is far too late to change that now.  However, you can see that the effect also occurs for Calibri, so it is not specific to the font.

Any other suggestions out there?

7 Replies
Melanie Foster

I have also encountered the same problem when changing the colour of some of my text from black to blue. I tried the solution suggested above and this corrected the problem with the text at the end of the blue text but still left me with a space in front of the blue text.

Are you able to suggest what I can do to fix the problem?

Ashley Terwilliger-Pollard

Hi Melanie,

Thanks for sending along the image.

You may find that text in PowerPoint shifts position ever so slightly when published with Articulate Presenter.  This is because vector information (such as that which comes from PowerPoint) cannot be translated exactly when converted to raster format during the Flash publishing process. You may want to consider one of the following workarounds:


Justify the text (rather than using Left, Center, or Right alignment).  Justified text maintains positional data better during conversion than does Left, Center, or Right aligned text.

Note:  If your justified text includes underlined characters, you may find that the underline gets broken between words when published.  This is because text justification is designed to stretch characters to fill the width of a text box, but underlined characters do not get stretched to fill the extra spacing.  If this occurs, replace the extra spaces with underscore characters and republish.  (In PowerPoint, the underscores may appear thicker than the underlined characters, but they will publish correctly in Presenter.)


Export the text as a PNG image (right-click the text box, and select "Save as Picture").  Then delete the text box, and import the saved image in its place.

Hope that helps!

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