How do I limit audio to play just once on first visits to slide?

Feb 06, 2015

I would like the audio to play just once on the first visit to the slide.  How do I do this?  Thanks.  

6 Replies
Dave Neuweiler

Hello Karen, in order to do this, you'll need to create a second copy of the slide -- this one without audio. The trick is to arrange your navigation in such a way so that the user will see the slide with audio, and in future navigation, is directed only to the second, non-audio slide. You'll also have to hide one of these duplicate slides in the menu.

I've done this in a couple of modules; each time the original slide with audio served as a launch page with multiple click-on hyperlinks that went to other information screens. When exiting any of the information screens, I set the navigation to return to the duplicate launch page without audio.

If this is confusing, let me know. I'll see if I can pull an example and send it to you in PowerPoint so you can see how it's set up.

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