How to watch the same articulate from different pc

Jan 15, 2013

I made with articulate presenter a simple quiz with children with autism. It involdes ppt, audio files and the interaction is made only with click. It is a collaborative game, but unfortunately I cannot find how to show the slides from different computers at the same time. I have published and uploaded to a website. But how can I give the same URL to two children in order to play together?

Thank you in advance!
Best regards,

8 Replies
Peter Anderson

Hi Xristina, welcome to Heroes!

Hmm, sounds like you're hoping to have two users logged into the exact same course at the same time, but from different computers to play a kind of "head-to-head" game, is that right?

That's a really interesting idea, but I'm not sure I've ever seen that done. I believe each student who logs in would be doing so under a unique instance, and wouldn't be able to join an interaction with their classmate or friend. 

Am I correctly understanding what you'd like to do? 

Jerson  Campos

Hmm. I thought you meant that there was some error because they tried to access the same course. What you are trying to do is make the course sort of a "multiplayer" game. Storyline does not support what you are attempting to do. Each file when opened is a different "instance"  or unique from each other. The file does not talk to each other when opened from different computers. It would take a lot more advanced coding to accomplish that.

They only way you may be able to create a multiplayer game would have to be on the same computer. You can assign 1 set of keys to one player and another set of keys to another player. You'll have to go deep in some variables to add points to the player that answers questions first. This type of game is limited only to key presses, mostly to answer questions. I'll see if I can find examples or maybe create one and post it. With even more creative variables you can add a timer function that will add more points to the faster response, but I'm getting ahead of myself.

xristina vol

Well Jerson thank you so much!!

Unfortunately, because this "multiplayer" game is for children with autism, (who have problems with communication and collaboration), I cannot put them in one computer, but each child would participate from his/her computer from their homes. 

So do you know another way, or even another program to do this? The slides are very simple with audio and click interactions.

Thank you once more!!!!

Best regards!

xristina vol

Well, yes I suppose that this is the difficult part. I tried many things and programs such as streaming the presentation but it lost its interaction and it is a video. The closest to what I'm looking for is authorStream, which has Live present, and the presentation is interactive but it cannot play the sounds.. :(

Please if you know any program, that doesn't require programming skills, please inform me.

Thank you!!!!

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