Linea de Tiempo

Feb 28, 2017

Buenos días Mi nombre es Eduardo


Quería consultar si en el presenter 360 hay una línea de tiempo como en el Storyline 360 para poder darle movimiento a los elementos como imágenes, texto, audios?

Agradezco la ayuda que me puedan brindar o como poder hacer esa programación. 


1 Reply
Alyssa Gomez
Good morning, my name is Eduardo.

I wanted to check if in the presenter 360 there is a timeline as in Storyline 360 ​​to be able to give movement to the elements like images, text, audios?

I appreciate the help you can give me or how to do that programming.

Hello Eduardo!

You'll use PowerPoint to actually add animations to your course. If you're not familiar with PowerPoint animations, see these Microsoft user guides for help:

Then you can set specific animation timings in PowerPoint, or use the Consolidated Narration Window in Presenter to sync the animations with narration, if you have audio in your course. Take a look at these user guides for more details:

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