Losing Sound and Quizes

Aug 23, 2012

I have had this explained to me (.ppta files and whatnot) but whenever I have to update training I end up losing my sound and quizes. Support told me I need to be more organized! Can someone share with me how they do this without losing their sound files!

1 Reply
Peter Anderson

Welcome to Heroes, Karen

I hope I'm not repeating what support may have already shared with you, but the PPTA file is generated by Articulate Presenter ‘09. It contains Articulate resources for your presentation. It must not be renamed or separated from the corresponding PowerPoint (PPT or PPTX) file. For more information about the PPTA file and to learn how you can transfer project files to another developer or another computer, please review the following article:


For tips on organizing and managing your course files, see:


Hope that's helpful!

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