More than one Quiz per Course - How ?

Aug 07, 2023

In the process of building a new course using Presenter where we'd like to have a few slides, then a quiz (not graded) then a few slides and another quiz (not graded) few more slides.
With the final quiz collating the answers and sending via email.  (then LMS later down the road in a different version) 

Is this possible, if so how ?
(if not is it possible in Storyline ?)

2 Replies
Jose Tansengco

Hi David, 

Happy to help!

You can add multiple quizzes to a course in both Presenter 360 and Storyline 360. Given the two options, we recommend creating your course in Storyline 360 to take advantage of the course customization features that are available there. 

You'll find everything you need to know about building quizzes in Storyline 360 here: 

Basically, if you want to add more than one quiz in your course, you just need to add question slides and results slides, and repeat the whole process. 

And I found this helpful community post which discusses a few ways you can send out emails from a Storyline 360 course: 

Let me know if you have any questions!