Moving Presenter '09 player templates into Presenter '13

Oct 22, 2013

Is there any mechanism in place to translate older Presenter xml templates into Articulate '13. Our organization has numerous existing templates shares across the development team. Don't want to have to rebuild if we don't have to. Also, is there a convenient way to share player templates with other users in Presenter '13. Thanks!

10 Replies
Leslie McKerchie

Hi Kristin and welcome to E-Learning Heroes! It looks like Chris addressed your question here. 

He is correct: The player templates were completely rebuilt from the ground up for this release of Presenter. Unfortunately you cannot upgrade a legacy template to a new template. It is just not technically possible to do so.

Thanks for your assistance Chris!

Hi Mike! It seems as if you resolved your own issue. If not, just let me know.

Leslie McKerchie

Hi Gayla! I think you're right.

Sharing a player with a colleague or moving it to a different computer (exporting a player)

If you want to share a player with a colleague or transfer it to a different computer, export the *.xml file. That same file can then be imported by any other Presenter user. Here's how to export a player:

  1. On the Player Properties manager, click Current Player and choose Export.
  2. Browse to the location where you want to save the player.
  3. Enter the name you want to give the exported player (it defaults to the player name you've used in Presenter, but you can enter a different one).
  4. Click Save.

Now you can give the file to a colleague, or use it on another computer. For instructions on how to import the file, see the next section of this tutorial.

Using a player someone has shared with you (importing a player)

If someone gives you an *.xml file for a Presenter player, you can import it to your current project like this:

  1. On the Player Properties window, click Current Player and choose Import.
  2. Navigate to the *.xml file for the player you want to import, and click Open.
  3. This applies the player to the current project. If you'd like to save it so it's available for other Presenter projects, use the steps we covered earlier in this tutorial for saving your player.

You can read more about the player here.

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