Notes now showing Glitch

Apr 21, 2011

My presentation is 40 slides. Suddenly on slide 23-40 my notes do not show up unless i click on my outline tab and then back on my notes.

Has anyone else experiences thes BUG? Ideas how to fix it.

I recreated the slide from scratch and it still did the same thing.



7 Replies
Brian Batt

Hi Josh,

You might notice after publishing and viewing your published Presenter project that some of the Notes are not displayed when selecting the Notes Tab. This is a known issue that has been sent to our Quality Assurance Team for further review. 

This issue is directly related to the slides that are not displayed in the outline when first loading the published presentation and would require you to scroll the outline to view the titles representing these slides. To workaround this issue, select the Notes tab twice and the notes will display. 

We apologize for any inconvenience and appreciate your patience while we work to resolve this issue.

Ron Dabbs

I have the same problem and found the issue seems to be resolved if I increase the value in the Presentation.xml for the slides that do not display the notes correctly.

For example:  165 displays incorrectly whereas changing the field to 300 shows all the notes text correctly.

I know this is not the preferred method and have not throughly tested it yet, but is there a solid reason why I should not use this as a work around?  Am I missing something?



David Burton


Thanks for the tip.

I see no harm in modifying the NotesHeightSmall tags, however the number to be used is calculated by three things as noted below.

Logo Panel height : found in the playerproperties.xml and between logopanel-->height tags

Presenter Panel height : found in the published presentation.xml file and between the videopresenter-->height  tags for each slide

Notes height : found in the published presentation.xml file and between the NotesHeightSmall tags for each slide

If the combination for the above three settings is greater then 347, the notes text will appear for slides outside the initial rendering in the Outline Tab. So this means, you could set the notes height to zero in the presentation.xml file, if you had a logo that was 37 pixels high and a Presenter or Flash Movie in the presenter panel that is 311 pixels high.

Note: Using Notepad to perform a find and replace, you could quickly search for the NotesHeightSmall tags in the publsihed presentation.xml file and replace all with the  number 348; this will ensure all notes text is displayed when selecting the Notes Tab, but will add a scrollbar to the notes area.

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