One course out of hundreds won't record completions

Apr 26, 2012

We've been uploading hundreds of Articulate courses with the same player settings to Saba without a problem. But now I have a course that plays fine but the completion does not show anywhere but the attampt history:

But it does not show in my completions or the offering results for the course. The only thing unique about this course is that there are MP4 screen captures from Captivate added as Flash Movies. We added the MP4 Mime type to the server and the movies play fine.

When I launch the course I get an error in the bottom left corner of IE:

Here is the offending line in the player.html file: 

top.window.moveTo(x, y);

Doesn't seem too insidious.

I've searched the forums and read the article:

Here is what I've done so far:

Unchecked "Prompt to resume..."

Set slide views in tracking to less than the number of slides that show in the table of contents

Set report status to LMS as Passed/Complete

Ran debuglms!!! and noticed a repeated command EXIT_TYPE = EXIT_TYPE_SUSPEND

So I followed the this instruction form the forums:

There's a file called "Configuration.js" located in the lms folder of your published content. Open the file & change the following:



In case the PPT file was corrupted, I copied all the slides to a new PPT file and rebuilt the course

Still no completions.

Does anyone have an idea of what I can try next? Of course, this is a course that needs completions reported to senior managent ASAP. Murphy's Law at work.



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