Player Tab Topbar Right Not Working

Apr 09, 2014

I have created a "Help" Engage Interaction and I am placing it on the player tab; I want it to appear on the right side of the player tab. I keep moving it from the Topbar Right box to the Topbar Right box in the Player Properties dialog box, but when I save the presentation it keeps moving back to the left on the player tab. Is there another spot where I need to set this

4 Replies
Brian Batt

Dawn Chamberlin said:

Thank you Leslie. I am waiting for my IT team to install update 3. One of my co-workers just had "update 3" installed and she is getting many errors on the Articulate ribbon when clicking different buttons such as player (see below). Is it necessary to uninstall Presenter first before installing the update?

Hi Dawn,

Can you try the following to resolve the issue?

Install VSTO:

Install at least .NET Framework 4.0:

After installing the above, please restart your machine.

Let me know if you continue to have problems.

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