Presenter 360 Image and Quiz Issues HELP

Feb 01, 2017

Hi! Last week I published a course and all looked normal. I just republished after making some corrections and after updating 360 and now many of my images are skewed. If I have an image that is cropped, none of the cropping appears...I'm seeing the entire full image.


In addition, the check boxes or radio dials in any multiple response or multiple choice Quizmaker interactions are not working. I cannot click on them at all.


I need to get this course published and loaded to our LMS. Any help would be greatly appreciated. Note that I cannot seem to attach my package. Keep getting an error message.

3 Replies
Alyssa Gomez

Hi there Dawn,

Sorry to hear you ran into this trouble after updating Studio 360! I haven't seen any reports of this kind of thing happening after an update, so I'd want to get your Articulate Package over to our Support Engineers so they can have a closer look. You mentioned you weren't able to attach it to the discussion thread - are you able to attach it to this case form

Once you open the case, please be sure to let me know your case number so I can follow along, as well. :)

Dawn Brent


Unfortunately I am unable to upload to the case file either. It says my file is too large. It is 37 slides and the compressed zipped folder created as a package is 115,361 KB.


Dawn Brent
Manager, Education Development
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