Presenter failing to load swfs everytime

Jul 18, 2011

Hi, just wondering if anyone can shed some light on the following problem we are having.

We have noticed a problem with any modules published from Presenter 9 which have custom flash pages inserted. The flash is inserted as "User clicks next" and "movie plays independently of slide" and has nothing but a shape inside the swf on frame 1.

Occasional (not all the time) slides do not load, if we click back and forward the issue usually goes (bearing in mind the swf file size is about 2kb i cant imagine its internet connection). It is as if presenter fails to load the swf, then we go back a page and forward a page the swf then loads (effectively refreshing the loading of the screen again). This happens even if the page has been viewed previously and like I say it's very random. 95% of the time this issue never occurs.

Is this a known issue and are there any ways to fix this problem?



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