Publish Error for Presenter 13 file with Engage Interaction in it

Mar 20, 2014

Hi All,

I have a Presenter 13 file and it contains a Labelled Graphic Engage interaction in it.  Now this file was originally created with Presenter 09 and published without any hiccups.  But now that I am trying to re-publish the file using presenter 13, it is giving me error messages.  The system just crashes every time I publish it. 

Having published almost 100 files in the same manner, I figured that the only difference between this file and other 100 files is the presence of Engage Interaction.  So I removed the engage interaction slide and the file published absolutely fine. 

So there is a problem with the engage interaction.  I am not sure what the problem is.  I even checked that I have the latest update installed (march 4)

Can anyone please help?



3 Replies
Payal Tandon

Thanks a lot Leslie.  I just submitted the case. 

Actually a minor update since I last wrote about the problem.  When I tried to publish this specific file without engage slide, I still got the error.  The file that I have submitted contains the engage slide as well. 

Looking forward to your inputs.



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