Quick Choice Interaction advances incorrectly

Aug 29, 2014

Hello and thanks for the help! I am using Articulate 13 and have created a Quick Choice interaction for a Skill Check. It has a question with A, B, C answer options. If the user correctly selects A and then hits the Next button to proceed to the next slide they are not taken to the next slide, the B answer opens on the screen and when they hit Next again, the C answer appears. When they hit Next a 3rd time, they are finally advanced to the next slide. I need the interaction to allow the person to select the correct choice and then advance without seeing any other answers. I can't find a way to do this unless I make the correct answer C.

How do I make this work seamlessly? Thanks again! Sheri

2 Replies
Ashley Terwilliger-Pollard

Hi Beth,

The options you can change/modify in the Quick Choice are detailed here.  You'll also want to look at the options here in terms of playback mode. Are you using this as a standalone Engage interaction or within a Presenter or Storyline course? If so, you'll have some additional options, such as those outlined here for Presenter. 

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