Removing/ Reducing Slide Timer

Oct 30, 2014


I'm using Presenter '13 and I'm having trouble trying to disable a timer on my quiz/presentation. I'm not sure if its Presenter '13 doing this or if its Quizmaker '13 but I want it removed. 

Ex.      In my quiz, I've answered my question and clicked submit to go onto the next question but it won't let me advance until I wait 5 seconds. It does this for every slide. There is no audio or animation that it has to wait for so I don't know why it's doing this. 

Is there a way to remove this timer so the user can just go through the presentation faster instead of waiting every time? Maybe even reduce it to a smaller wait time.




22 Replies
Tim Nassar

Hi Leslie,

I can't upload the file I'm working on unfortunately (Work privacy reasons) but maybe I could explain a little more?

I decided to make a new file so I could show you what I mean... but the problem didn't occur. I think it's something to do with Quizmaker '13 because Engage '13 and other slides let me 'skip' through.

Before I got to far into my presentation I remember being able to zip through the quizzes during my test runs with no 5 second delay/wait time. From when I first started and until now, it seems that I change the settings of something in Articulate where it give me this wait time. 

I looked into the presenter options and I changed it from 5 seconds to 0.1 before and it did nothing. I published the file to see if worked but it still gave me the delay in the quizzes. My navigation settings are set to free so I don't understand what might be the problem.

Is there another features/options/properties that could be causing this?

Leslie McKerchie

You were unable to re-create this issue in a new file, so do you see the same behavior if you start a new file with this project?

Open a new, blank presentation in PowerPoint.
Go to the Home tab, click the drop-down arrow beside New Slide, and choose Reuse Slides.
In the Reuse Slides panel, click the Browse button and choose Browse File.
Browse to your original PowerPoint file and click Open.
At the bottom of the Reuse Slides panel, mark the box to Keep source formatting.
Right-click the first slide in the Reuse Slides panel and select Insert All Slides.

I'm at a loss and do not seem to be able to replicate this behavior. 

Tim Nassar

I made a new file and re-used the slides from the previous presentation but when I go to preview it, it doesn't play the engage or quizmaker slides. I went to one of the slides with quizmaker and clicked edit in Quizmaker and it says "Unable to access quiz (Title of quiz). Please locate the quiz." When I go to the original saved and created quiz and open it up, it's not the updated version of the slide.  

 I created each Quizmaker and Engage slide on it's own added then added it to Presenter. I've done all my editing through Presenter by clicking edit in quizmaker or engage, saving it then sending it back to presenter.  Does the files not update with the presentation I'm making? 



Leslie McKerchie

Hi Tim!

When you insert an Articulate Quizmaker quiz or Articulate Engage interaction into your Articulate Presenter course, a copy of the original *.quiz or *.intr file is stored within the course's *.ppta file. This means that if you ever lose the original quiz or interaction file, you'll still be able to edit and publish it in Presenter. Please review this article for more information.

Tim Nassar

Hi Leslie,

Great! Good to know this. Thanks! :D

Going back to my initial question, do you think there is some solution?

I went through the individual quiz's I have on presenter by clicking on Edit in Quizmaker and previewing the slides. It lets me complete the quiz quickly without the 5 second delay so I don't think it's Quizmaker... When I go to presenter and preview the slide and start the quizzes, There is a 5 second wait time for every question. It's weird because it only does it for Quizmaker interactions and not Engage interactions. I'm really confused why it does this. I would think that it was something to do with presenter and every slide would have that 5 second wait time but its only on Quizmaker slides. :/ 

Any Idea?

I know it's hard to understand my problem without having the actual file but I appreciate your help and perseverance.


Tim Nassar

Hey Leslie,

Here's an update! 

I don't know if you were able to open my last case package or not but I'm pretty positive I've sent to articulate package correctly according to the guide you've sent me.

Anyways! I think I found the problem, but I still don't know how to solve it :( . So previously I set my navigation settings to 'Free' which let me move anywhere anytime. I didn't like how the user can skip the whole presentation so I switched it to 'Restricted' where the user has to advance in order but can visit previous slides. For some reason when it switched to restricted there is that 5 second delay. When you switch it back to free the delay is gone :/. 

Does this help a little bit more? Any idea to solve it? Or is that what the default is?



Leslie McKerchie

Hi Ciaran! 

I popped in to catch back up on this case and this was something that I was unable to reproduce, so I do not really have an update to provide you with here.

Could you share some more details about what you are experiencing as well as share an Articulate Package for us to reference so that we may be able to assist you?

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