Tab hyperlinks to stand-alone interaction?

Jul 02, 2012

I published an FAQ interaction to a Web server as a stand-alone program. I want to add a "tab" to Presenter 09 in the upper right that appears on all screens, and links to the Web FAQ. Is this possible? Or perhaps there is a drop-down menu I could add to Presenter? The advantage for doing this is that I can update the FAQ without having to republish the Presenter file.

5 Replies
Linda Watson


Thanks for your suggestion. Yes, an attachment is an option. The downside is that I lose the great interaction features.  Do you think this is a feature request? Others might prefer to have an interaction tab hyperlink to the interaction rather than have it embedded in Presenter--to eliminate the need to republish Presenter when an interaction is updated. In a glossary or FAQ interaction these updates can be frequent.

Peter Anderson

Hi Linda!

If you include the URL to a published standalone Engage interaction in the Attachments tab of your Presenter player, your users will see the link to the course when they click on the attachments tab, and the interaction will open in a new window. It will not be embedded in your Presenter course. So as long as you maintain the same URL to your Engage interaction after each edit you make to it, it will always be available through your Presenter course without having to republish Presenter. Is that what you're hoping for?

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