Can you retake a quiz in Quizmaker '13 with Studio '13?

Apr 01, 2014

I am creating a training for volunteer presenters to present our program. They need to pass the quizzes to continue but even when given a few chances to answer each question, some have been failing. I can't figure out how to allow them to retake the whole quiz before continuing on. Is this not an option for Studio '13? I saw some answers to a similar question but the screenshots looked to be from Storyline, so I'm wondering if the more basic version lacks the functionality.

A related question-- you can lock navigation on all the slides so users can't skip ahead, which is great. But I would like for them to be able to go backwards to review previous slides again and then be able to jump back to the last place they were. Is this possible or no?

18 Replies
Mike Taylor

Hi Rachel! Welcome to the community. To let learners retry a quiz, you need to include a graded result slide, and mark the box to "Allow user to retry quiz" on the Failure and/or Success layers. See this article for more information.

You can get the navigation your looking for by using the "Restricted" navigation method

Alis Nikolson

I am having trouble with a quiz where when the user fails the quiz they are redirected back to the content relating to the quiz and then have to retake the quiz and pass to move forward.  I have both the 'review quiz' and the 'retry quiz' options turned on, but the goal is for the user to click Finish to review the content, then be able to retry the quiz.  When they click Finish they are taken to the content, but when they get back to the quiz section, the questions are already populated with their previous answers and they have to advance through to the end of the quiz to get back to the screen where they can click retry quiz.  What settings do I need to choose in order to have the quiz automatically reset their answers so they are ready for the retake after reviewing the content? (Using Articulate Studio 13)


Leslie McKerchie

Yes, thank you! What quiz/slides are you experiencing the issue on? At first glance, I am unable to re-create, but want to be sure that I understand what you are experiencing and reporting. 

Also, how are you publishing/sharing this content with your users.

Please note that responding to the forums via e-mail attaches your signature, but you are welcome to pop in and edit if needed.

Alis Nikolson

Hi there Leslie,

It is happening on all the quiz slides with the exception of the last one which is just a survey question; so, slides 6,13, & 20. Right now I am publishing it to LMS using Scorm 2004, but when I test it locally it is not working so I have not yet put it on our internal LMS.  This course is only for testing some publishing functions...there are several items that are not finalized in it, but the only one I am focusing on for purposes of this request is the quiz not resetting.



Leslie McKerchie

Thank you for sharing your project and allowing me to take a look Alis!

I am able to see the issue that you are reporting. Unfortunately, this is an issue that our QA is looking into. It is related to the Engage Interaction going right to the quiz when this issue occurs.

The known workaround is to enter a regular slide of some sort between the Engage and Quizmaker files.

I noticed you deleted your file above, so not sure if you want me to share anything back to you or if you'd just like to try this solution yourself.

Alis Nikolson

Hi there Leslie,

Thank you for your response back.  I appreciate you looking into this for me and for offering a workaround solution.  I deleted the file because I am not allowed to have our company content posted on public sites and didn't realize a the time that it was not a private email chain.  I will go ahead and try what you have suggested and let you know if I have any trouble.  In the meantime, thanks again for that info.

Warmest Regards,

- Alis

Toni Palzer-Johnson

Hi Alis...I'm having the same issue in a project...We had updated our course from 09 to 13. Could you tell me if the advice worked for you. We tried using it and it has not worked. I just feel like there's something missing in the information provided by Leslie. Thanks for any information. Toni :=_

Alis Nikolson

Hi there Toni,

I tried it, and did work for me. The trick is that it has to be a slide and not an interaction. The first time I did it I had the learning redirect go two interactions previous to the quiz and it did not reset.

When I added a blank slide between the interactions and the quiz it now works as Leslie had indicated, returning the user to the results screen of the quiz where they can click 'retry quiz' and take it over.

The text for what to put on this inserted slide is tricky because the user will see this slide both the first time they take the course and any subsequent retake times so you have to choose your words carefully, but it did work.

In my case I treated the blank slide as a quiz intro slide and included instructions for the passing score and the review options. Hopefully this will help.

Warmest Regards,

- Alis

Sent from my Verizon Wireless 4G LTE smartphone

Scott VanDeKeere

So if I understand this, if I set the quiz so that after a Fail score it goes to a content review section, there is no way to set the results slide to automatically reset to an initial state after the learner reviews the content.  They would have to Retry the quiz for the result slide to reset.  I was hoping for an auto reset feature to simplify things for our learners.

The main issue we are having is our new LMS requires the learner to re-register for the course if they fail the quiz.  (Our old LMS simply allowed multiple retakes within the course and did not care how many times you failed.)  Since I designed the course to have a test-out function on the old LMS,this test out will no longer work correctly since the new LMS records it as a Fail.  My thought was to place 2 quizzes into the course.  The first would replace the test-out.  If the learner passes, it goes to a brief scored quiz which the LMS tracks.  If the learner fails the test-out quiz, they go to a content review which eventually loop them back to the quiz.  My plan was to have that quiz be reset automatically when they see it the second time so that they don't get confused seeing the Results slide again.  Is that possible, or is it more likely to find a solution using Storyline instaead of Presenter '13?

Scott VanDeKeere

Ruth, Here's what I did so far.  I built the course with 2 quizzes.  The second quiz is a simple single question scored quiz for the LMS.  Learner can only get to it by passing the first quiz.  The first quiz is the test-out quiz.  Everything works as planned except I needed to include the Retry Quiz button on it so any learner who fails can take it the second time.  If Retry Quiz is not enabled, the quiz won't reset when the learner tries to take it the second time.  Sort of defeats the intent if they are supposed to review content upon fail if they can retry immediately.  Anybody know of a workaround for that?  Unless there is a programmable workaround, I may try inserting a duplicate test-out quiz -- one would have Retry button, the other not.  Would probably have been easier to accomplish what I need if I had just recreated the course in Storyline.  

Scott VanDeKeere

Here's what I did as far as building the test-out feature.  Still went with 2 quizzes - Part 1 and Part 2.  To force course review if learner fails Part 1, that quiz does not have a Retry Quiz button.  The Finish button goes to the content review.  After content review, learner must take the quiz again.  But in this instance, we want the Retry Quiz button to be active (no need to keep forcing them to review content).  To do this, I created a duplicate Part 1 quiz with an active Retry Quiz button.  Both of the Part 1 quizzes go to a Part 2 quiz upon passing.  The Part 2 quiz is the one that is actually scored in the LMS.  I made the questions a little less challening in Part 2 quiz since the intent was to show passing completion for the LMS.  If for some reason, the learner fails Part 2, they again are returned to content review.   The great thing is they do not have to redo the Part 1 quiz since the result slide shows passing and they can continue straight to the Part 2 quiz.  It is important to go into slide properties and adjust navigation accordingly; hiding quiz slides in the menu is also a good idea.

The one issue I did encounter was that the second time through the Part 2 quiz, it would not let me go directly to the results slide.  Instead, I had to go through the previously answered questions,  before finally getting to the results slide with the Retry Quiz button. Noticed one of the responses above alluded to this happening with adjacent Engage interactions and quizzes  Same issue if it's 2 adjacent quizzes.  My solution was to add a manual advance slide between the quizzes.  (I actually added an instruction screen for the Part 2 quiz on this slide.)  I did test this using multiple combinations of passing/failing each quiz, and have not seen a repeat of the populated answers showing up in the quiz retake.

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