Email and print results in Quizmaker/Presenter

Aug 18, 2014

I'm working with articulate 09 and I'm trying to get the email results and print results functions working in Quizmaker without success. I've looked at all your instructional videos but I still have a few questions and was wondering if you could copy them and answer each of them for me please.

The quiz has about 20 questions and I have the settings in presenter directing the learner to go to a retry the test slide if they fail the test and a congrats slide if they pass. Then in Quizmaker settings I have both the print results and email results selected with an email address noted. However neither the print or email results is working. We are hoping to either successfully get the results emailed to human resources, or if we can't, we were thinking of having the learners printer their results and then instructing them to manually email them. As you can imagine, the email results would be the best option. Here are my questions:

Is there a max number of questions you can have when using the print and/or email results functions? If so, what is it?

I'm working for a company that has their own server so do I have to be on their server to test these functions?

Can you have both of these two functions working and also have the learner directed to the retry and congrats slides?

Does both the print and email functions work better in certain browsers and is there things in the browsers that could cause the functions not to work such as popup blockers?

With the email function do you have to be using Outlook for this to work? If the company uses a webmail will the function still work?

I understand that the quiz settings in presenter override the settings in Quizmaker so I'm wondering if there is a way to set up the email function in presenter or is this only done in the Quizmaker settings?

I appreciate you answering all these questions as it will give me a much better understanding of how these work and will help me to get them functioning.

2 Replies
Karen Whitford

The course will be uploaded to their web server. Does this mean they will work once the files are uploaded there?

Once it's uploaded would the print results work?

Once it's on their server do I have to be connected to their server to test it?

Is there a link you can give me with instructions on uploading the course to the web server?

Is there a limit to the number of questions for either the print or email results? I've heard 12 but I want to confirm this.

Please kindly answer the above questions.

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