Error when importing questions onto Articulate Quizmaker 360

Apr 15, 2020

Hi there,

I am having difficulties with importing questions to Articulate Quizmaker 360.

I used the template provided, select to import questions within the app and the screen crashes, providing me the attached zip folder of the bug.

I've attached the import template & the error message.

Please let me know if there is anything I'm doing incorrectly. 

1 Reply
Leslie McKerchie

Hi Robyn,

Thanks for contacting us and sharing the details of what you are seeing.

I was able to import the .xls file into Quizmaker 360. It looks like the demo template, but I'll attach it in case you need it.

Are you able to open the .xls file successfully in Excel? 

I did have to turn on Compatibility Mode:

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