My Quizmaker player settings are not showing up when I publish

Oct 18, 2013

I recently upgraded to Articulate 13 and I am in the process of updating my previous courses.  I am having an issue with my quizmaker player settings not showing up when I publish. 

I selected a white color scheme for my Quizmaker Player and when I publish the file my Quizmaker interactions do not have a white player around the quiz  slide.  It looks like they don't have any player around the quiz slide at all.

Has anyone experienced this?


7 Replies
Ashley Terwilliger-Pollard

Hi Sara and welcome to Heroes! 

Are you inserting this Quizmaker into a Presenter course as well? If so, they'll have a unified player and your Presenter player template will be the overriding options. If it's a standalone player - I can get mine to be white and I'll need to change the background color to have it appear as if there is a player there (the default background is white). Here's a picture of mine:

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