Quiz feedback says incorrect but it is correct

Aug 19, 2013

I'm new to Quizmaker so maybe I'm missing something here. I have two quizzes, both are matching drag and drop. They are both in this format:

The sky is blue.

The clouds are green.

They have to match whether it is Fact or Assumption.

When I test out the quiz, I know the correct answers and they are in the quiz correctly. But the feedback I get is Incorrect.

How can I fix this? Or what am I missing?


3 Replies
Leslie McKerchie

Hi Tracy! I did some research (case #00285714 for my future record) and it seems to be related to the fact that there are 'duplicates' for your answers in the drag/drop. Essentially, you are looking at it as simple as F's and A's, but the program is seeing F1, F2, A1, A2, A3...so getting them 'out of order' would cause incorrect feedback. I think you may need a different quiz style.

Maybe a deviation of True/False would work:

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