.Quiz files to .Story file formats in Storyline 2.0

Mar 16, 2016

I have inherited a large number of ".quiz" files from my manager. He would like them updated. The problem is that I cannot open the files in Storyline 2.0. I believe they were created with Storyline 1.0 or Quizmaker. I do not have Quizmaker, only Storyline 2.0.

Any ideas of how I can open these quizzes and make the needed updates short of recreating them all in Storyline? Do I have to purchase Quizmaker? 

2 Replies
Ali Goulet

Hi Claire!

You're right, .quiz files would be from Quizmaker and you won't be able to open them right up in Storyline 2. You can, however, import the .quiz slides into a new or existing Storyline course without having Quizmaker installed. Once they're imported you can edit them as you see fit. Check out this tutorial on Importing Slides from Articulate Quizmaker for a step-by-step guide on how to accomplish this. Hope that helps! :)

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