Quizmaker / Presenter '13

Apr 07, 2014

I'm trying to do the following with quizmaker '13. It used to work in '09, but it I can't get it to work in '13. 

Student watches slides 1 - 5

Answers question 1 on page 6

If incorrect is redirected to page 4 (the student must not see the results page, only a message that tells him that the answer is incorrect.)

Views page 4,5 and answers question on page six again.

If answer is correct, then he continues to page 7

and so on ...

The problem is: the student cannot answer the question the second time. It keeps the previous answers and doesn't allow the student to answer again.

As I've said are completed lessons that have been created in '09 and they worked then. The moment I upgrade them to '13 they don't work anymore. I need to make changes to these lessons, but I don't know how to fix this. 

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