Remove question number from navigation panel

Feb 17, 2011

Hi - I want to remove the number that appears in front of a question displayed in the Navigation panel. I don't mind having the question text there, but I don't want the number. My quiz is a blend of blank slides and multiple choice questions (a scenario) and it is confusing to see the question number in front of only question slides. e.g.:


The Situation

1. What would you do?

Here's our answer

Next Situation

2. What would you do?



4 Replies
Bruce Graham

You can go into "Articulate > Slide Properties", and just over-ride the automatically placed "Heading" that the slide posesses and puts in the Navigation.

Once there, you can make the Navigation heading that shown in the Outline Tab display whatever you want it to.

Hope I have understood correctly, and that is what you are after.


PS - welcome to the forums

Jeanette Brooks

Hi Jennifer, Bruce's answer will work if you are wanting to remove slide numbers from the sidebar of your Presenter course. But it sounds like instead you want to alter the appearance of the question nav panel in the upper-left of your quiz - is that correct? If so, it's not currently an option within Quizmaker to remove the numbering from your quiz questions. That would make a great feature request.

Not sure if this would help, but one thing you could do to make things appear more consistent is add numbers to your blank slides as well. There's' an option on the blank slide editor called "Include in question count."

Jennifer Bircher

Hi Bruce - thanks for your speedy reply! I believe your solution is for the navigation/outline tab in Presenter. My issue is with the Navigation Panel in Quizmaker. But you're right - being able to override the slide title in Presenter is very handy! Wish there was something like that in Quizmaker. Thanks again.

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