Users stuck at quiz question

May 28, 2014


My client has been using a module published in Presenter '09 with quizzes using Quizmaker '09. Up until now there haven't been issues, but recently users haven't been able to progress beyond a certain quiz question if the browser closes/they sign out at that point. The way the module is set up, there are three separate Quizmaker slides in a row, rather than three questions in one Quizmaker slide. The problem in question occurs when a user answers the first question, progresses to the second, and then leaves the module and tries to resume. Once the user resumes, the module brings them back to the first question, but then displays a message saying that the user must answer the question before progressing. The user is unable to answer the question, visit previous slides, or click ahead.

Normally this isn't an issue, as long as the client is able to complete the course in one sitting, but it becomes problematic if the client has to log out in the middle of it for any reason. I've tested the module in a different LMS, and had the same results.

My best guess is that the quizzes and/or the player have been set to locked, but I haven't been able to figure out where. Is there a way to resolve this issue without republishing, or would republishing be the best course of action? We are now using Articulate '13, so viewing the original Powerpoint and quizzes in '09 will be a bit awkward.

Thank you so much for your help!

3 Replies
Leslie McKerchie

Hi Anna!

To understand what is going on and make any corrections, you are going to need to take a look at the project file and not the published output. We do not support the modification of published output, so if a change needs to be made, we could recommend re-publishing the content.

If you do not wish to upgrade your content to '13, then you will need to uninstall '13 and reinstall '09 or utilized a different computer where '13 is not installed. Both cannot run on the same computer.

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