screencast + webcam + audio

Jan 13, 2014

Hello everybody, is there a way  to have a the same time a screencast + webcam as well as an additionnal audio (I'd like to add a nice "ambiance" music)?



2 Replies
Christine Hendrickson

Hi Celine,

Do you have audio files that you'd like to use, or were you wanting to record "internal" audio at the same time that you're recording your screencast?

As far as I know, I don't think you can record audio from your microphone and your internal audio at the same time. However, you should be able to insert an audio file to your project so that it plays in the background.

Since Replay uses two tracks, you can add sound to one or both tracks. Audio clips will initially be added to the end of track A, but you can move them. Just drag them to the track and location you want. See Rearranging Objects for details.

For more information on inserting audio files, take a look at the following tutorial:

Adding Sound in Articulate Replay

Let us know if you have any questions :)


Jeff Kortenbosch

Hi Celine,

If you have both tracks being used, one by your webcam video and one by your screen recording the best way to add audio is to finalize that screencast and publish it to a single .mp4 file since you cannot add audio if both  tracks are being used. When you've published start a new project and add your video file to it. Now you have an additional track for the audio file.

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