About the Animation of Swiping Effects

Feb 23, 2022

Hi E-Learning Heroes,

I am running into an issue about the typewriting effects. I applied the swipe effect.  It seems that parts of my texts are erased. But if I adjust the line spacing to 1.5, the whole text is gonna take up too much space.

Is there any way I could possibly adjust my texts? Thank you very much!

1 Reply
Kelly Auner

Hi Jose,

Great question! You can certainly adjust your text. There are three autofit options available:

  • Expand width. Select this option to turn off text wrapping and allow the text box’s width to expand to accommodate text.
  • Expand height. Select this option to turn on text wrapping and allow the text box’s height to expand to accommodate text. (The width of the text box is fixed.)
  • Fixed size. Select this option to lock a text box at a fixed size. When locked, you can add a scroll bar to the text that doesn't fit or let it overflow, as shown below.

I have attached a screenshot of what this will look like on your screen. I hope this helps!

Thank you,
