access ressources tab with a customised buton

Jul 11, 2023

I have two question :
1- is there a way to open the ressources tab by a buton on the slide, not the player buton "ressources"  ?
2- can I import a folder not just a file on the tab ressources ?

thank you for your help!

2 Replies
Judy Nollet

1. The built-in Resources can only be opened with the Player-level tab. If you want to provide access to resources with a button on a slide consider doing this:

  • Create a slide that has links to the resource(s). I recommend putting this in a separate scene.
  • On the access button, add a trigger that opens the resource slide in a lightbox.

Here's another option to consider if you only want the Resources available from one slide. You can adjust the Slide Properties to hide standard Player Features. Just deselect the item you want to hide. 

2. You can link to the URL of a folder. But you can only attach a single file at a time.