Accessible Articulate 360 courses that are embedded on the web?

Sep 07, 2022



If you embed an Articulate 360 file in a website...can it still be read by screen readers? Or does that only work when it's in an LMS?


Background: we're looking to embed an Articulate 360 file on our public facing website as a way for visitors to navigate a number of different topics - there will be roll over effects, multiple clickable sections, wording, etc...but no voice over or audio.  

2 Replies
Jose Tansengco

Hello Amanda, 

Thanks for reaching out!

Yes, embedded Articulate 360 courses are absolutely still accessible. You can check out this sample Rise 360 course that has an embedded Storyline 360 block with your screen reader enabled to verify. Your screen reader should still be able to read the items and objects in the Storyline 360 course when tabbing through the items. For your reference, here's our article on how to design accessible courses

Let me know if you have any questions!