Adding an animated outline on a shape

Apr 24, 2020


I am trying to find a way to include an animated outline and shape. Basically i want the shape to stay where it is however i want an outline around the shape to be moving so the user knows to 'click to reveal' technically like a marker when it has a flash state on. I would like that same effect on a rectangle effectively.

I am creating a tab slide where each tab represents different scenarios and i want to incorporate the shape on each tab which will be like a "Click and Reveal" type which shows the answer.

Is this possible?


8 Replies
Len Hackenbroch

Would the attached work?

I've created a shape with just an outline to go on top of the original and animated that. I then duplicated it so that it could circle continuously.

I also found this -

Some helpful tips there too.

Yusuf Patel

Len, this is EXACTLY what i needed! Thank you for this. Also some very good tips in that post.

Another thing i am trying to achieve is to change the 'Learning Points' state to visited on my 'Scenario 1' layer (to stop the flashing and just basically grey it out so it looks visited)

I have attached the slides for you to have a look at if that's easier?

Look forward to hearing back from you.

Yusuf Patel

Walt, still cant get my head round this? Their are no states for 'Not Visited'?

Would it be possible to update the attached so i can get an understanding of what you mean?

The only way i can figure out to get this done is to create another layer labelled 'Visited', and remove all animations and greyscale it out and then create a trigger to say 'Show layer visited when user clicks'

I have attached to explain what i mean. I'm sure there must be an easier way to do this.


Yusuf Patel

Thank you so much Walt!! Just what i needed!! Knew it would be something so simple.

What would you suggest if i wanted the layers "Scenario 1, Scenario 2 etc" to stay as Visited when the user has viewed the "Learning Points" on each of the slides? When i view the learning points, close it and then click onto the next tab, whenever i go back to the previous tab i viewed the Learning points is back to flashing again instead of being Visited and greyed out?

Sorry for all the questions!!!

I have attached the full slide so you can see what i mean.

Hopefully this will be my final question on this!!! (Fingers Crossed)

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