Advantage to extract in scorm or html ?| Il est préférable d'extraire en SCORM ou HTML (wordpress)

May 23, 2020

(Français plus bas)

Hi !

I am new to articulate and i have a basic question... I have created a course and want to publish it on wordpress. But the LMS I want to accept scorm. So Im thinking of publishing it on a HTML format. 

So I want to know If I will loos something publishig it HTML instead of SCORM ?

In this cours I will have to extract the answers of the candidate for analyze it. Will it be possible with HTML ?

Thanks in advance for your answer. 



J'ai créée un cours que je souhaite intégrer dans un site wordpress. Mais le LMS que je souhaite utiliser ne prends pas en charge le format SCORM. Je souhaiterais donc savoir quel est la différence si je publie en format HTML plutot qu'en SCORM ?

Pour ce cours je vais devoir extraire les réponses des candidats pour les analyser. Est-ce que si je publie en HTML cela sera possible ?



4 Replies
Saurabh Chauhan


In simple words, if you choose HTML5 you will lose all the reporting features. Like you said you need answers and attempt reports, you will lose it. With SCORM, you can get all the reporting data only if your LMS tracks it.

You're using WordPress but you didn't mention which LMS plugin you're using? In my familiarity, there is no WordPress LMS plugin that fully supports SCORM 1.2 and SCORM 2004 out of the box.

It requires an additional plugin to add SCORM Content, like GrassBlade xAPI Companion that supports xAPI and SCORM Content can track answers and rich attempt details.

GrassBlade xAPI Companion can pass score obtained in the content to the native LMS reports if you're using an integrating LMS plugin.

I hope this information might be helpful to you...!

anne aymone


Thanks for your answer ! I was thinking using the LMS thrive apprentice ) because they propose a pack with a lot of other plugins I was also thinking of lifter LMS or learndash. But I am open to a better solution if you have a suggestion. 

What do you mean when yous say that there is no WordPress LMS plugin that fully supports SCORM ?

It is possible to only use GrassBlade xAPI  without an LMS ?


Saurabh Chauhan

Thrive also does not support SCORM Content out of the box, it also does not integrate with GrassBlade xAPI Companion plugin.

Plugins like LearnDash and LifterLMS integrates well with GrassBlade xAPI Companion and it can pass the SCORM Content score to the LMS reports.

"What do you mean when you say that there is no WordPress LMS plugin that fully supports SCORM?"

 - There are many LMS plugins available but they do not offer SCORM or xAPI Content support.
 - You can not upload content packages and add content on lesson or quizzes out of the box.
 - It does not track activities happening on the content and answers submitted by the users.

It is possible to only use GrassBlade xAPI without an LMS?

 - Yes, you can use it without any LMS and upload SCORM Content on WordPress. Also, add content on any page or post and share with anyone to take it.

If you want to share and track content without creating any user account. With GrassBlade xAPI Companion, you can ask "Name" and "Email" of the user to start the content.

Note: Tracking content activities will require an LRS.

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