All answers get incorrect by Quiz Review on SL360

May 11, 2023

I'm making WBT with a quiz, and I'm having trouble with Quiz Review does not working properly.
If I check the Review Quiz on the Result Page, all correct answers will be displayed as Incorrect.
The Slide Property  is set to "Reset to initial state". Could someone check the attached file?
I appreciate for any idea or advice! Thank you.

2 Replies
Judy Nollet

When a Graded Question is programmed to "Reset to initial state," the previous answers are erased when the user returns to the slide. That's why the Review in your file was showing them as incorrect. 

When you use Graded Questions and the Results slides, it is best to set their Slide Properties to "Automatically Decide." (That's been done in the attached file.) Then Storyline will handle them appropriately when the user is taking, reviewing, and retrying the quiz. 

By the way, thank you for providing a simple example file! It's always easier to troubleshoot when a file is available. And it is even nicer when the file only has the slides needed for troubleshooting. 

Hideki Shiba

Hello Judy-san,

Thank you for quick respond. When I make WBT, I normally set retry quiz by manual. And I set "Reset to initial state" to reset the second answer. In this time I saw reset result in "Preset reset quiz" button by your advice. 

So, I have got the good result by

1. Set "Set Automatically Decide" for each quiz.

2. Use  "Preset quiz" on the result slide.


Thank you very much!