Answer all Storyline course questions correctly but still failed.

Nov 28, 2012

I have a Storyline presentation that when I preview it prior to upload to on-line, I can take the the course and quiz and pass with 100%. When I published it to Articulate on-line answer all of the questions correctly I am failing the course with a 66.66%. How is this possible?

I had another Administrator to our account Bryan Gross take the same course on -line and he passed with a 100%. He and I are both at a complet loss as to why this is happening. Please help!!!!!!!!!!!   

6 Replies
Peter Anderson

Hey Robert, welcome!

That definitely sounds unusual. When you say your administrator took the quiz and got the expected results, was he working from the same machine as the one that returned the unexpected results when you took it? What else can you tell us about the environment you were working in when this happened? Which browser? Thanks!

Robert Howard

No he was at another facility in Dallas Tx. and I am in CLeveland Ohio, the Browser is Explorer, I am running Windows 7 products. We have never to my knowledge had this issue before. When I came in this morning I decided to retake the course again and it worked as advertised with no problems.

Is there a possiblity that it was from cookies?

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