Attachment from a Resources tab not opening

Jul 14, 2015

Hi, I've published a course with two attachments in Resources tab. One is opening and the other is not. I've added them in exactly the same way. I've tried with different formats (Word, PDF) and it didn't help. Do you have any idea on what may be the reason for that?

1 Reply
Christie Pollick

Hi, Mariola --  Can you confirm that the attachments you are using are both stored locally? And would you be able to share your file or a sample here to illustrate the behavior you are seeing? In the meantime, there are a few troubleshooting steps you can run through to rule out the causes of some odd behavior. 

You may want to try importing the file into a new file. If you are still having issues, you might want to try to repair Storyline. Also, could you please ensure that you are utilizing the most recent SL2 Update? Info on Update 5 can be found here

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