Background Music Demo

Mar 24, 2015

I made a demo featuring background music that goes through the whole course (doesn't change from slide to slide). The user can chose from four songs to listen to and can adjust the volume, and the song continues playing through every slide and loops when it completes. I've also added instructions on how to make this work to the module.

I don't know whether someone else has already posted something like this (I couldn't find anything), but hey if so here's one more!



I've put together a second demo that shows a different way to do this. This second version performs the same actions as the first one, but without needing to edit the output files every time you publish! It saves a lot of headaches when you need to edit something in the course because now you don't have to drop the music files into the output folder and you dont have to edit the html file every time you publish!

Demo 2

I've also attached the second version .story file. Its called Background_Music_Version_2.story.

If anyone needs help getting either versions of this to work I'm more than happy to assist :)

203 Replies
Andrea Jacob

Hi Jackson and Staff. I'm currently working on Storyline 360 and have tried to add background music using your steps above but it doesn't seem to work for me. Is there an updated tutorial or do these steps still apply?

Would you also mind looking at my storyline file to see what I could be doing wrong? Thanks.

Eric Santos

Hello Yonathan,

Thanks for reaching out. This thread is a bit dated, and Jackson may no longer be subscribed to this discussion. Would you be comfortable sharing more details of what you're experiencing? If a screenshot or screen recording would make it easier to explain the behavior, I'd appreciate it if you could also share those.

If you prefer to work with us privately in a support case, you're welcome to do so. In that case, our Support Engineers will work with you one-on-one. Either way, we'd be happy to look into this issue for you!