Base Layer not correct

Jan 27, 2016

Sorry but when I created the slide I added a lot of overlapping objects -- they appear one after the other so I didn't need to use triggers.  BUT, the object that is the base layer is the wrong object.  How do I change it.




2 Replies
Michael Shannon

If I understand your question correctly you cannot see the base object because all of the other objects are on top of it? Is that right? 

If so then the simplest way to get to it is to use the "eye" icon to turn off the layers above it. You can either turn all of them off at once by clicking on the one at the top (next to the lock) and then turn on the object layer only by clicking on it's now greyed out eye which will now appear on your page. Or you can turn off each layer above it one by one by clicking its respective eye. 

The best way to swap out your graphic and not interrupt your existing timing and layers is to right-click the image and select "change picture." 

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