Blank Screen Launching Course in SumTotal LMS

Jun 25, 2018

Has anyone received a blank screen when launching a Storyline 360 course in SumTotal LMS? Story published as HTML5 with Flash backup. Recently started behaving this way. All of our Storyline courses behaving this way. Ran developer tool in IE and Chrome. Receiving the following error message:

Line 486

Error: The value of the property 'UMC_ContentLoaded' is null or undefined, not a Function object

Is anybody familiar with UMC message?


3 Replies
Ashley Terwilliger-Pollard

Hi Guillermo,

Sorry to hear you've run into the same error! It doesn't seem that we heard back from Mitchell, so I don't have any more info to share. 😕 

Have you connected with your Sumtotal admin or support too? They may have a better sense of what that error message is indicating. I'd also suggest confirming that you're using the latest update of IE/Chrome (My chrome shows  69.0.3497.100) and Storyline ( Storyline 360, build 3.20.16814.0). 

Let us know if you need any other help! 

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