Blurry Screenshots

Jun 03, 2019

Last week I emailed Articulate an original screen shot and its published version so that Articulate staff could see the blurriness. I published with the latest version of Storyline and in the Modern Player.

Sevilla Renz from Articulate emailed me back her published version of the same screen shot, saying there was nothing wrong with it. Her published version was just as awful as what I sent her, because we both published it the same way. 

The bluriness issues in Storyline need to be resolved. I'm tired of not getting specific help, or being told that something looks great to the Articulate staff, when in fact, it does not.

Anyone else encounting this problem and if so, what are you doing about it? 



3 Replies
Bérengère LITTY


I could have written the exact same message. 

Did support ask you to check your DPI configuration each time you report the problem? 

Thank you for this post that make us feel less alone. We tried to contact support. They don't have our eyes I believe because they answered with a link showing the same bluriness I experienced. 

So we abandoned the idea of having crisp screenshots, especially video screencasts. 

Ashley Terwilliger-Pollard

Hi Karen and Bérengère, 

I'm sorry for the trouble you've both run into. Our support team will often start by eliminating some known issues or causes, often when the details on environment or reproduction steps are unclear. That can also explain the difference in what our team is seeing vs. what you see when testing various OS, browsers, even different browser versions. We are aware of a few issues with blurriness in the latest updates of Chrome, for example. Also, our best practices for working with images and other media are outlined here.

Karen, I had Renz share your case with our Senior Support Engineers so that we can determine where the disconnect is from what Renz saw vs. what you saw.

Bérengère, if you'd like to share your case number with me, I can have the team take a second look at that too. 

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